
Gauge & eArticles

Our quarterly market commentary and in-depth investor articles

Goodreid Gauge

Each quarter Goodreid provides thoughts, analysis and reflections on market and economic conditions. We include interesting charts and graphs and reflect on how both short and long term changes in the economy could impact financial markets. We explain our position on topical areas and explain how client portfolios are constructed and flavoured to align with our opinions. In addition we provide an overview of two securities that are held in our Canadian and U.S. portfolios.

Access to our library of Goodreid Gauges and other exclusive investor content is available to those who sign up for My Goodreid Insights.

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Goodreid eArticles

Goodreid periodically produces articles of general interest to the investing public. When the subject requires the input of specialists in related areas of expertise, for example legal or taxation, Goodreid collaborates with professionals in those fields to ensure complete accuracy and that the article has sufficient depth to be of value to readers.

Access to our library of Goodreid Articles and other exclusive investor content is available to those who sign up for My Goodreid Insights.

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